This video, published by, explains with Clarity, the TRUTH about Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison.. It points out...
Category: Current

Ep. 8 **Unparalleled** Physicist Dan Winter : MINDBLOWING Interview.. Incredible Info! Must See!! Water Towers Being Radiated!
In this Episode of the Podcast, Cutting-Edge Pioneer Physicist Dan Winter joins The WordsMyth to talk about an ALARMING...

***BREAKING STORY” Podcast “It Was Phaet” Ep. 5 Tortured Hero: A Soldiers Story
Ep. 5 Tortured Hero: A Soldiers Story ****WHISTLEBLOWER*** This Episode of the Podcast focuses on an...

Ivanka Trump, President Exposed Contracting Factory Labor in China with Workers/Human Rights Violations
Ivanka Trump, President Exposed. So, not only is this family a bunch of two-faced Hypocrites, after POS POTUS Daddy Donald Trump...

Sessions Looks Set to Back off His Marijuana Crackdown
Despite Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s well-known anti-pot prejudices, a broad federal crackdown on marijuana in states that have legalized it seems...

Scientists Find Type Of HONEY That Is Killing Every Kind Of Bacteria Thrown At It (Even the Super-Bugs!)
While honey has been used for centuries because of its medicinal properties, scientists have now identified the exact property which...

‘Marijuana Justice Act’ Would End Weed Prohibition Throughout The Land
Presented today, a new congressional bill aims to get government and cannabis on the same side of the law by ending...

China Will Not Release Activists Investigating Ivanka Trump’s Shoe Producers
(GANZHOU, China) — China’s government on Tuesday rejected a U.S. State Department call to release three activists detained while investigating...

The 29 most cringe-worthy lines from Donald Trump’s hyper-political speech to the Boy Scouts
Analysis by Chris Cillizza CNN Editor-at-large WASHINGTON (CNN) — On Monday night, President Donald Trump jetted to West Virginia to...

In 23 Years, You Won’t Be Able to Buy a Car in U.K. That Uses Diesel or Regular Unleaded Gas
The U.K. government is set to ban new diesel and petrol cars from 2040, following a similar move in France,...